What’s YOUR Story?
Please get in touch. Tell me what makes your heart beat, or fires all your synapses at once. We each have so much to say and so little time, but we can share when we find connection, because we are all equally engrossing, joined in our lifelong searches to find the right facia and meta-dust to mend our scars. And life has given us all our fill of complaints, especially in our post-9/11, neoliberal America.
William Blake is credited with saying, “The most valiant way to complain is to create.” I love that. So much of our world is about consuming, and I do my fair share. I love pillows and fancy butter, a burning candle and fresh flowers in the bedroom. But I love to create more. I do my complaining on my laptop, through Cole and Jaime and Serena or John, or Felix and Jules, but Atticus is the world champion of gripes. Trying to understand our place in the world, how we got here and what the flock are we doing. But underneath these external pressures, our souls tug and urge us to connect, to find the one true thing that will bind us together and move us beyond measure, to create memories and more love than we could ever imagine. I don’t share stories to “change, persuade, tempt or control you.” These stories represent what I want to read about and hopefully they’ll reach people who enjoy thinking about the bittersweet beauty of our time here. Please tell me what you love to read or write.
I want to know what you think about YOUR life, YOUR loves, and your own broken parts. How you thrive, how you survive. Every story is a love story.
But be prepared, my rigorous editing process somehow has eluded my email and social media writing processes.
2018. Paris Thanksgiving, my fave time to visit —this is a stock photo, but it looked like this when we were there :)