Lizard Island

The Queen of Infinite Space: Chapter Two




May 2001

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea

Long before the yellow kapok flowers of the cotton bush turned toward the rising sun, as it teased its way over the ocean’s horizon, long before the minke whales approached the island’s edge, surfacing to get a closer look, long before the island’s departing guests rose from their late night party send off—wealthy, self-indulged Gen Xers with custom gear and video cameras charging off solar-powered packs—long before the chartered sea plane bumped and splashed its way back into pier, an empty metal tube poised at the mouth of the jetty, ready to load passengers for the oneway back to civilization, Atticus Freeland woke up, the twilight remnants of the Southern Cross greeting him from above. 

More Coming soon...

©️Katherine Crosby, The Queen of Infinite Space